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Health Te Aroha is excited to offer a new service – Pharmacogenomics. In the initial consultation a non-invasive cheek swab is collected and your details are registered with MyDNA. The swab is sent to a lab in Australia (within New Zealand there is currently no community or DHB based laboratory that can processes DNA for genomics. All cheek swab/DNA samples are sent to a certified Australian laboratory in Melbourne), there your DNA is analysed and sequenced, it is tested against commonly prescribed medications and a personalised report is sent back to the GP. You will be contacted to make an extended consultation. The report provides prescribing recommendations for your doctor, based on your individual results. People break down medications differently, Pharmacogenomics help you and your doctor to make more informed decisions about which medications may work best. Personalised reports have lifelong relevance and can help provide a blueprint for managing health and wellness. Your reports and genetic data are your property. Any results generated remain strictly confidential, no results will be shared with any third parties. There are options available, on top of the medication tests for diet, caffeine and exercise analyses, for an additional cost. The cost is $250 for medication analyses and $350 for medication and lifestyle analyses, this cost includes two Dr consultations. Currently Dr Hayley Scott is the only provider registered for this service at Health Te Aroha. For enquires see reception.